Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do You Have the Guts to Oppose the Mindless Masses, Persnickety Public and Rioting Mobs?

Beware the mob, or some historian philosopher once said. Indeed that is very good advice, humans often act like rabid dogs, and get a little bit out of control when they get into big groups. They are often quick to fight and do things they would never normally do by themselves, but somehow feel it emboldened by the crowd. Today, we see flash mobs and mobile Internet devices that allow people to communicate rapidly and organize quickly. This can be both good and bad.

These mass mobs can be good in the event of an emergency or a terrorist attack. They can be good to prevent wasted time on the freeway when you could easily go a different way to avoid an accident. They can even be good if a group of your friends just wants to have a good time and you all decide to be in a certain place at a certain time spontaneously.

Of course, they can be very bad if a hostile group of protesters decides to riots in a common against what's best for the common good. When a crowd emerges of this type, we should be aware, and our authority should be very careful because if the crowd goes out of control there is no way to stop the onslaught or blitz of bad behavior. The question is do we have the balls to oppose the mindless masses, the persnickety public, or the riding mobs when these things occur.

Should we ban the political will of these mobs, or do we demand that they uphold law and order, and take out their grievances in a more civilized way? We need to have this national discussion before things get out of hand in the future and people get hurt, buildings get destroyed and lives are lost. Please consider this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. Lance Winslow is also Founder of the Car Wash Guys, a cool little Franchise Company;

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bullfighting - Culture Or Cruelty?

According to the World Society for the Protection of Animals, in Latin America and Europe combined, approximately 250,000 bulls die each year. Do these bulls fall prey to a deadly virus, perhaps? Far from it. The bulls are tortured and killed for the sake of entertainment. Have we evolved at all since the Roman times?

Latest polls show that over 72% of Spanish citizens have no interest in bullfighting, yet, because of a small group of influential people in Spain, this inhumane tradition is being kept alive. Fortunately, in Europe and Latin America a growing segment of the population is standing up against bullfighting and calling for an end to this cruel spectacle.

Here to talk about bullfighting and what we can do to help is Alyx Dow, Programmes Officer (Anti-Bullfighting) for the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)

Thank you for this interview, Alyx. Could you start by giving us some historical information on how bullfighting began? What is its origin?

There is not much specific information on how or where bullfighting began, but it is thought to date back to Roman times when many different species of animal were killed for the sake of entertainment in public arenas.

Bulls were also sacrificed for religious purposes and more recently, bullfights were (and often still are) held on Sundays, as part of Christian Saints festivals.

Most people associate bullfighting with Spain. Besides Spain, which other countries practice bullfighting?

Within Europe, bullfighting can be found in Spain, France and Portugal. Approximately 40,000 bulls die in bullfights every year in Europe.

In Latin America, bullfighting can be found in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. 'Bloodless' bullfights can also be found in the USA. Approximately 210,000 bulls in bullfights die every year in Latin America.

Does bullfighting differ according to the country? If so, in what way?

There are 3 types of bullfighting 'styles' - Spanish, French and Portuguese. The Spanish version is the most common across both Europe and Latin America. Bulls die in both the Spanish and Portuguese versions, although in the Portuguese style it happens behind the scenes, after the bullfight has finished. The French style does not lead to the death of the bull but is also very stressful for the animals involved.

A lot of people ignore what really happens during a bullfight. They have a simple, even romantic image of a torero taunting a bull and of one final thrust of the sword bringing death to the animal. What exactly takes place during a bullfight?

In the Spanish style, which is the most common, there are 3 stages:

1. After the bull enters the ring, toreros wave capes so that the bull charges several times. This is followed by the entrance of the picadors on horseback, who drive a long spear into the bulls back. Both of these short stages are designed to tire the bull and weaken its neck and shoulder muscles, causing it to drop its head. There is also a significant risk to the horses involved - although they wear padding, the experience is very stressful for them and can cause serious or fatal injury.

2. Men called banderilleros enter the ring and use weapons called banderillas (colourful short spears with harpoon ends) which further weaken the bull when they are stabbed into the top of the bulls back. By this point the bull has lost a significant amount of blood and is exhausted.

3. The matador enters with a cape and sword. Tiring the bull further with several runs at the cape, the matador thrusts the sword through the bulls back, with the intention of severing the aorta. The sword often misses, piercing the lungs and the bull drowns in its own blood - as can be witnessed when bulls are often be seen with blood pouring from their nose and mouth at the end. If the bull does not die quickly, a small knife is used to sever its spinal cord at the neck. If the crowd deems it a 'good' kill, the matador is 'awarded' the bull's ears and tail which he cuts off himself (the bull is often still alive during this).

The whole process takes approximately 20 minutes - and the bull suffers an agonizing and torturous death.

In spite of bullfighting being a cruel and inhumane tradition, many people-not only Spaniards-watch this spectacle. Why do you think this is and what does this say about human nature?

Within bullfighting countries there is a small but strong following that keeps bullfighting alive, largely based on the claim that it is part of the country's culture. All bullfighting countries have a fascinating history, with a rich culture that they should be proud of. However, evidence is showing us that most citizens of these countries do not want animal cruelty to be part of their heritage. Just as with the ban on foxhunting in the UK, citizens are speaking out about the importance of animal welfare over an archaic 'tradition' that is neither necessary nor humane.

The latest polls in Spain show us that over 72% of Spanish people have no interest in bullfighting. This climbs to over 80% in the autonomous region of Catalonia. Anti-bullfighting sentiment is growing across Europe and Latin America - people are standing up against the protection of bullfighting as part of national heritage and calling for an end to this cruel spectacle.

Furthermore, the WSPA believes that culture is no excuse for cruelty, no matter where in the world it happens or the rationale behind it.

Unfortunately a huge amount of support also comes from tourism; again because tourists are led to believe that bullfighting is part of a particular country. They are unwittingly supporting a dying industry that thrives on the torture of an animal: many leave the fights shaken and disturbed by what they have witnessed, which is, simply, animal cruelty for the sake of entertainment.

What arguments do supporters of bullfighting use to defend their tradition?

They use many arguments to defend the spectacle, mostly in reference to culture and the economy. You can read more on these ongoing debates at, a website sponsored by WSPA and ten other animal protection groups across Europe.

What is the WSPA doing to end bullfighting? Have there been any significant developments in the last few years?

In Catalonia, WSPA is running its Culture Without Cruelty campaign with member society ADDA, and there have been a series of successes in the region in recent years. 47 towns, including Barcelona, have declared themselves anti-bullfighting. You can sign our petition, calling for a ban on bullfighting in Catalonia, at our WSPA website.

In Spain, WSPA is supporting work done by member society,, who are working to end the national subsidies (funded by Spanish taxpayers) given to the bullfighting industry, which total a staggering 530 million Euros a year.

In France, 3 towns have recently declared their anti-bullfighting status. You can find out more at

WSPA is also working closely with an alliance of ten other animal protection organizations from across Europe to tackle the issue at European level. The EU currently gives subsidies (funded by EU taxpayers) to breeders of fighting bulls, as part of its annual agricultural subsidy system. We recently held a series of events in Brussels at the European Parliament to highlight this issue and call on Parliamentarians and the Commission to end these subsidies. You can find out more at

In Latin America many of WSPA's member societies are working towards bans of bullfighting across the region. The first two anti-bullfighting towns in the region have recently been declared. In Medellin, Colombia, the first ever group of anti-bullfighting city councilors has been established. You can keep up to date with the latest developments on the WSPA International website.

What is Spain's position?

In Spain, there is a small group of powerful and influential people behind the bullfighting industry that are keeping it alive. Bullrings are suffering from declining attendance and a lack of patience from the public in terms of its increasing awareness of animal welfare. Unfortunately, government officials often hesitate to speak out against the spectacle; as was the case a few years ago with foxhunting in the UK. However, the Spanish people are telling us they have had enough, as shown in Catalonia and the Canary Islands (who have also banned bullfighting), and by the recent banning of the broadcast of bullfights on state TV, following the assertion that it is too violent for children. We think it is about time that the government listens to its citizens and ends bullfighting for good in Spain.

Do you see Spain making bullfighting illegal any time soon?

Based on public opinion polls that have been done, dwindling attendance at bullfights as well as the achievements in recent years in getting anti-bullfighting declarations, we are confident that bullfighting is a dying industry that is destined to be banned in the near future.

Is there a way bullfighting could be modified to become a humane practice?

No - the practice would still involve placing an animal into an unnatural situation that causes the animal stress and anxiety, for the sake of entertainment. WSPA wants to see an end to bullfighting worldwide, in all its forms.

What can Spaniards do to help stop bullfighting in Spain?

Spanish people can help to end bullfighting in their country by writing to their local politicians and high level officials within the government, expressing their wish for national subsidies to the bullfighting industry to end, and for their to be a national legislative ban on bullfighting in Spain. They can also avoid attending bullfights and spreading the word to their friends and family.

They can also sign our petition to achieve a ban in Catalonia which can be found at the WSPA website.

Another way to help is to support their local animal welfare organizations, either through donations or by attending peaceful events that call on the government to end bullfighting.

Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers?

The WSPA is also campaigning for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) at the United Nations - international recognition that animals matter and governments should be doing more to protect them. Such an agreement would help us talk to governments about issues like bullfighting. You can sign the petition in support at

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions on this important subject. I would like to end this interview by quoting some wise words from Mahatma Ghandi: "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

Mayra Calvani is an author, reviewer, and animal advocate. Visit her blog, The Dark Phantom Review.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rants from Lance on Gay Marriage and Rights Issues

Let me begin by saying that I have some gay acquaintances and these folks seem to be okay and not part of the gay fringe I speak of in this rant. Okay here it goes...

I am totally pissed off; on one hand gays want the right to be accepted, respected and enjoy their god given Constitutional Rights to get married. Then they self segregate away from the rest of us. Then they call us names. Homophobic, taunt the ever living crap out of people, challenge people to fights, but god help you if knock one on their ass for staring at yours and making sexual comments in line at a Starbucks. This behavior is utter Bull Sh_t.

So let them all get married, screw it. Let them go do whatever they want under one condition, they stop this insane game playing, taunting and then threats, intimidation and crap. It is really annoying and unprofessional and there is a group that carries on and thinks it is funny knowing you cannot knock them up side the head. Often the gay fringe purposely go around screwing with people like little childish kids. NA NA NA NA NA. It is sickening behavior. But if anyone says anything about it, you just watch as they jump on this comment like a ton of bricks, oh they can dish it out, but don't call them a name like they do to you or you are Racist, a NAZI, homosphobic, need mental help. What a bunch of utter hokum indeed.

No wonder everyone votes down every gay and lesbian marriage issue. People are tired of it. Now the gay women do not go around doing this do they? No it is only the childish men, the younger gays, who just will not leave it alone. Why is that? Why can't they control themselves? Why do they go around picking fights? Why do they threaten businesses and people who do not agree with them? Tolerance is one thing, but in your face, dare you not to hit me, is another, quite another.

There needs to be laws against this or there should be a law that if they do it, you can return comments or knock them silly. If they are big buff type, knock them even harder? Why not, they go around provoking fights? Many of them do it all the time. If the gay and lesbian community cannot control their own, in this way, there is no way in hell the public will vote for gay marriage. No way. And if we reward their bad behavior by allowing them to get married, will they stop or become more emboldened to demand more?

If they get married will they mellow out in public? Or will they continue this general harassment, knowing you cannot do a darn thing about it? Can we trust the gay community to chill out, if marriage is allowed? Doubtful. Why can't they or won't they get along. And I realize this is not the majority and that their small minority fringe is out of control, but they do not seem to care, even though it is now affecting public attitude towards the whole gay and lesbian community. And in advance anyone who call me homophobic you can go to hell. Provided there is such a place? End of Rant from Lance.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

The American Abolitionist Movement

The abolitionist movement, which represented the earliest days of the American Civil Rights Movement, succeeded in every northern state by 1804, although there were still at least a dozen "permanent apprentices" listed in the 1860 census. Three northern organizations advocating this reform were the Society of Friends (Quakers), the Pennsylvania Antislavery Society, and the New York Manumission Society.

This latter group was run by powerful Federalists John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. The Federalists opposed State's Rights, arguing for federal legislation abolishing slavery. New York finally abolished slavery, gradually, starting in 1799, making this the largest emancipation of American slaves in history before 1863. New Jersey was the last northern state to abolish slavery, in 1804.

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 agreed to allow the federal government to abolish the international slave trade, and by that time, all the existing states but Georgia had passed laws abolishing or severely limiting the slave trade. Georgia finally passed similar laws in 1798 - and the importation of slaves into the USA was officially abolished on New Year's Day in 1808. This was a major move in the direction of abolition.

However, in the 1830s, the Postmaster General refused to allow the U.S. mails to deliver abolition pamphlets to the South. Northern teachers suspected of anti-slavery "tendencies" were expelled from the South, and abolitionist literature was banned in those states. Southerners were claiming that incidents like John Brown's attempt at Harper's Ferry in 1859 to start a slave uprising was proof northerners were conspiring against them to cause war through slave rebellions.

The North, simply put, was dead set against the South's prevailing attitudes about slavery. Eric Foner once stated: "Northerners came to view slavery as the very antithesis of the good society, as well as a threat to their own fundamental values and interests." However, northern conservatives feared the migration of a large number of freemen into the North, as they tended to accept lower pay. They were being seen, like today's illegal Mexican-American workers, as "undercutting prevailing wages." It was feared that former slaves would cause deep pay cuts for all American workers, especially white ones.

In spite of such difficulties, one white abolitionist, Massachusetts's Abby Kelley Foster, became an "ultra," advocating not only abolition but full civil rights for all black people. An agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society, Foster, known usually as Abby Kelley, thought that free slaves should colonize the new African nation of Liberia. She also recruited Susan B. Anthony and Lucy Stone, other American feminist leaders, to the early Civil Rights Movement. Kelley, who inspired other young women to be known as "Abby Kelleyites," often shared her platform with ex-slaves - despite the additional scorn this entailed. "I rejoice to be identified with the despised people of color. If they are to be despised, so ought their advocates to be," was one of her famous quotes.

Another well-known abolitionist was the wizened but charming black woman known as Sojourner Truth. Her first speaking engagement was with Abby Kelley. Truth originally had the Dutch slave name Isabella Baumfree, but changed her name because "the Spirit calls me." She wasn't much for the white man's religion, though, and frequently spoke against slavery and the mental picture of black women being "unladylike" and subhuman. She was born into slavery in New York, enduring frequent beatings at the hands of her white masters and mistresses.

At one point in time, she was on one of her many "sojourns," or journeys, and a streetcar run by a white male conductor wouldn't stop to pick her up, refusing her as a passenger. She bravely ran along the track and leaped into the path of the streetcar, gauging the distance exactly right, making the conductor stop for her. Her most famous speech was the simply put, "Ain't I a Woman?" where she also gave us the following quote, revised from her 19th century dialect:

"If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it. The men better let them." Maybe that reference is where Dr. King got the idea of making "valleys into hills and hills into valleys," but it's also a Biblical reference. I'll tell you a bit more about the origins of American black religious faith and how they led to Dr. King being a minister toward the end of this section.

Anyway, this quote from Truth's popular speech was spoken at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention, and her recurrent theme was probably based on an incident where a heckler in the audience had called her a man. She proudly opened her blouse, revealing her breasts, a typically bold move on her part which likely led to "Ain't I a Woman?" I guess even your enemies can help you be productive, as in the case in 1960's Birmingham, where local black civil rights leaders said that Police Commissioner "Bull" O'Connor and his violent anti-black tactics were "helping the Movement," due to all the media attention they were getting at the time.

The Catholic faith doesn't tend to exalt the poor and their elevation, which is the general black meaning of "turning things around," as much as the black version of Protestantism does. That may explain the general Catholic lack of sympathy for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s programs at first. Dr. King was the presumed head of the Civil Rights Movement in America in the 1960s.

But for Catholics, there was ample praise of Jesus' faith in the resurrection of the spirit and his attendant faith in the spirituality of all people. Blacks at the time of slavery and in much later American history continued a tendency toward religion that influenced their culture and entire way of philosophy and thought immeasurably, but Truth was probably spiritually-oriented.

She didn't like white men much, or their male-oriented religions. She organized white and black feminists alike to oppose slavery through abolition, but that and colonizing Liberia were not the only actions taken against slavery. Also, throughout American history, there have been movements to attempt the return of African-Americans to the Motherland.

Through the 1820s and 1830s, the American Colonization Society (ACS) kept proposing to stop slavery by returning to Africa, a movement which was broadly supported by both whites and blacks. They saw it as a preferable alternative to emancipation, and Black Nationalist pioneer Marcus Garvey would also start a similar movement. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in 1914, opening a branch in Harlem, New York in 1916.

The UNIA was intended "to promote the spirit of race pride," and was an attempt to cause worldwide unity among all black people, establishing the greatness of their African heritage. Garvey appealed to the black lower classes and rejected any ideals or notions of racial integration. He was certain that blacks could not secure their rights in countries like the USA, where they were a racial minority group, so he began a "back to Africa" movement, and he was considered the most influential black leader of the early 1920s.

However, in the early 1800s there was a series of small attempts to plant settlements on the coast of West Africa, where most of the slaves had been originally captured, and the colony of Liberia was established circa 1821-1822. In the next four decades, thousands of American former slaves settled there. They declared independence in 1847, although not many had survived the move, as they had succumbed to local diseases. The abolition movement caused support for the colony to fade quickly, but the new Liberians ruled their country until the bloody military coup of 1980 by army personnel who assassinated President William R. Tolbert.

Therefore, due to the lack of effective other methods for handling this major American issue, the work of the abolitionists is what finally managed to help end slavery. However, in spite of multiple efforts on the parts of many, it took just about forever to get the South to agree on this. Their intense stubbornness is what led to the continuing hatred and racism ongoing throughout 1960's Birmingham, leading to the tragic deaths of many black children and the continuous bombings of dozens of peaceful citizens' homes.

Read the next article in this series, "White Concerns over Racial Differences" and the other articles in this long article series about why racism was and is so prevalent in the American South.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Political Correctness got you down?

Interested In Making Money On The Internet, Full Or Part Time, Easy Proven And Succesful Methods,

I hear it all the time; you can't say that. But why not, I just did you see? Besides it's the truth isn't it? They say; "well yes, it is the truth, but you cannot say that!" Do you sometimes believe it is all a bunch of crap? We have the PC police running around telling you what you can and cannot say now? Wow, I know there is a law about how you are to do just about everything you do, but now we have unspoken laws about things you cannot speak of and it is all a big secret? And do not ask what these things are you cannot even mention it. Really? What about normal human interaction and conversation? Oh and before I continue another one of my "Rants from Lance" series here there is a good book you should read, well actually a couple of them. Okay let's begin with a book I just finished reading;

"The Ten Things You Cannot Say in America" by Larry Elders

You really should read this book before you tell anyone you are a liberal and want to help everyone. It talks about racism from a reality standpoint and exactly who is a racist and who is not. It goes heavy on the health care system, it tells the truth about the media. The topics of interest also include gun control, our impending welfare state, the war on drugs, the difference or lack of difference between democrats and republicans. The book is extremely controversial and funny with some bizarre stories and incidents that will make you mad, make you laugh and make you puke. It is important that you understand the reality of what is going on before passing judgment. You will like it even if parts piss you off. I came away with laughter. Tell me what you think.

Interested In Making Money On The Internet, Full Or Part Time, Easy Proven And Succesful Methods,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Don't Keep It Simple, Stupid - We're Not All Mental Vegetables, Mental Couch Potatoes

I heard of the KISS system long ago - keep it simple, stupid. That came to mind the other day when I read that complexity was the kiss of death on the web. People don't want more than one idea per article - and that idea had better be nice and easy. Dense writing does not get read. That's it, plain and simple.

Plus, people don't want hard words - don't use a long word if a short one will do. Big words turn people off.

Which people, I wondered? And if it's true, just what does this mean? Is this the kiss of death for thinking?

I thought of Dead Poet's Society, a brilliant film about a teacher who really reaches students. The message is the opposite. Use vivid language. Don't always say sad. Say glum, morose, grief-stricken, sullen.

And I thought of my students. Many of them, college students, display mental rigidity - almost a rigor mortis of the brain when it comes to some ideas. All opinions are equal, they hold - and can't recognize that KKK opinions might not have as much validity as opinions based on evidence, in this case evidence that humans, whatever our race, are inherently equal (basic equality in intellectual and emotional range).

Evidence is irrelevant to most of my students, when it comes to opinions. How can I possibly bring up something like evidence in relationship with opinions? Even more horrific, how can I possibly question that all opinions are equal? They look at me as if I were some alien monster.

But, I counter, their opinion means that the opinion that all opinions are not equal is just as valid as the opinion that all opinions are equal. After all, all opinions are equal - even the opinion that they are not equal. That's a contradiction, I continue. Again, that's irrelevant to most of them. Many faces turn blank and stony.

The wall.

For more on the inequality of opinions, read Stupid Opinion #2:

For another stupid opinion, click onto Stupid Opinion #1 - the stupid opinion that we are all where we are meant to be. Millions of people hold onto it as if to give it up meant death - though this opinion means that every rape victim, murder victim, everyone who dies in a genocide is where they are meant to be.

I said, don't keep it simple.

But I am keeping it simple. And my point is equally simple: we need quality, we need works that challenge and stimulate - or we get mental couch potatoes.

Our brains, like our bodies, need to learn how to function well - or our thinking is as clumsy as the violin playing of someone taking their first lesson. Painful.

For stimulating thinking, try The Idea Emporium:

I don't know if quality triumphs every time. Actually I know it doesn't. Lots of people like junk food - and junk thinking.

I do know that, with ideas as with food, in many ways, you very often are what you eat.

Many foods are linked with cancer. I wonder what poor thought patterns contribute to cancer of the thought processes.

Responses welcome.



This piece was sparked by a brief blog entry on The main idea: dense writing does not get read.

The basic point: to get read on the web, keep it simple, simple, simple - in ideas, in vocabulary (a word I probably shouldn't use, as it's long!!), in every way.

I don't believe in unnecessary complexity. I also don't believe in unnecessary simple-mindedness. Flat language. Flat thinking. A flat-line brain.

I love to think. And I find it boring to be around people who don't. Imagine dance - two moves only, everything else is just too much. A painting - two shapes only. Nothing too difficult. And so on, ad nauseum.

As a species, we feed on challenge. I have just been learning web design. Frustrating - and fascinating.


Another thought on the importance of ongoing mental challenge. A longitudinal study was done on a group of nuns. The finding. Those who, when young, had mental flexibility, a large vocabulary, as well as a wide range of interests and thought patterns, were mentally undiminished in old age. On the other hand, those nuns with a narrow and rigid thought range were often senile - with deep ruts, it seems, dug into their brains.

Of course it's not so simple: some brilliant people are felled by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. But it was great to find out something that made deep intuitive sense to me: mental flexiblity is developed and needs to be exercised. It doesn't just happen.

I have an 83-uear-old dance teacher. Very mentally alert, always ready to see what I've learned, always responsive to the world around her - which includes keeping up with what's new and changing in the dance world. She listens outward - instead of deepening ruts in her brain. A delight to be around.


Elsa - prof, writer, visual artist, thinker, performer. Love life, thinking, creating, doing, reaching. All my life, creativity has played an enormous part. The magic of story, music, songs, imagining. Also, the magic of thinking well, creatively.


"It is a fact readily acknowledged, that for humans, an idea is much more powerful than a fact." One idea: just as ideas can close our minds, they can open them to new worlds and visions.