Sunday, February 24, 2008

Global Warming Is Bullsh*t

Wow that's a controversial title. Let me first tell you about myself, I am not a celebrity, I am not a politician, I am not an interested party in any way, but unlike 90% of the people telling you about man made global warming,I am a scientist, in fact I have a bachelor of science degree from a major university in the UK.

So here are the facts about climate change.

The climate is getting warmer, Yes it is but there is no human input into this change, ask yourself a question , just stop what you are doing and think for a moment, how does CO2 act in the environment. When you drive your car the CO2 your engine creates goes out through the exhaust pipe (at ground level), CO2 is not lighter than air, if it was when you blow up a balloon it would float like a helium filled balloon , Does it ? no it doesn't. The fact is the CO2 from your car floats around at ground level until it gets absorbed by plants, (that's what plants do!), they absorb CO2 use the carbon C to grow, they like you and me are carbon based organisms,and breathe out oxygen. That's what they have always done and always will do. More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does what it always did it makes more plants. IT DOES NOT AND CAN NOT make the atmosphere warmer, that's what that big yellow thing in the sky does its the sun that makes things hotter.

We are all going to be flooded by the melting ice cap. No we are not going to be flooded, two points here, first there is the Medieval Warm Period, which was a time of warm weather around 800-1300 AD. It was warmer then than it is now and as far as I know no one drowned , there is a lot of nonsense talked about the melting ice caps, first of all a large percentage of the ice mass floats on the surface of the ocean, because uniquely water becomes less dense as it freezes. Do an experiment for me will you? fill a glass with water, and then put some ice into it, make sure the level is to the top of the glass. Now watch as the ice melts, does the water level rise, does the glass overflow, No? Well neither will the sea. Most observable sea level changes are caused by the land sinking and not the sea rising, the sea has stayed at the same level for millennia, and will for some considerable time yet.

Actually the earths climate varies in a cyclical nature. over time it has been colder than it is now, and it has been warmer than it is now, there has been much more CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now, and a lot less too.Truth is we are a largely insignificant little stain on a big planet, and no matter what we do we are highly unlikely to make the slightest dent in the ecosystem. If anything it is currently recovering from the mini ice age, which followed the Medieval Warm Period, but whatever it is doing our climate is driven by many factors over which we have no control mostly the sun.

If you ever meet a climatologist , and remember there aren't many of em, ask them how long there have even been scientists studying the climate, and if they are honest they will say not long, (it's actually less than 40 years) there have been people studying physics and chemistry and astronomy a lot longer than that, centuries in fact, and there is still allot we don't understand in all of those spheres, so anyone that says we understand climate and why it changes is talking bullsh*it, you should be able to smell it a mile off. One case in point remember the hole in the ozone layer and how we were all going to die, notice how that went quiet, well here's why, It started to get smaller, no and not because we stopped using aerosols because after it got smaller it started to get bigger again, and now yet again its getting smaller, This all went quiet because NASA admitted we have only been able to measure the hole in the ozone since the 60's, and they now believe it to be cyclical, sound familiar. Oh and one last point when they did make this announcement, I.E we have been scaring you shitless for 5 years but we were wrong don't panic, It was done in such a low key way that you would never have heard about it, if you had not read this.

Remember I have no axe to grind no research grant to preserve. I am just sick and tired of all the bullsh*t. The major report on climate change that was published recently was written largely by beaurocrats and politicians, and to a much lesser part scientists, but I have been involved in research and let me tell you if you have enough money you can get scientists to prove anything. In the 70's because it suited the political climate all the scientists were warning of another ice age. If me and you had enough money we could prove the same again (but we don't).
Allot of people are making allot of money out of human caused climate change, and it isn't you and me, we are the ones getting screwed with increased taxes higher fuel costs and other stealth environmental taxes which are being imposed on us. You are still going to get screwed, but just so long as you are aware why it is happening you will be a lot better off in my opinion. Oh and one last point if you can place a bet on man made climate change being disproved in the next 20 years do it, because let me tell you in about 5 or 10 years time there will be another wild theory which will completely supersede it. Yes were just about due another ice age and I bet its our fault.

The above rant is my personal view and opinion, if you agree or it annoys you or if you have anything to say please leave a comment

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