Friday, July 25, 2008

Bad Science and why it Happens

Today's news.

The Nobel laureate and former US vice- president, Al Gore, or stupid fat headed no nothing tosser, as I affectionately like to call him. Has urged Americans to abandon electricity generated by fossil fuels within a decade.

Wow do you think Al, with oil at $149 a barrel, thanks to George bush and his warmongering cronies, and rising, he has actually said something that makes sense for once. I notice he stopped short of recommending the nuclear option, so as not upset all his new green tree hugging hippy and celeb mates.

In other news, The Earth's temperature may stay roughly the same for a decade, as natural climate cycles enter a cooling phase, scientists have predicted.

A new computer model developed by German researchers, reported in the journal Nature, suggests the cooling will counter greenhouse warming.

However, temperatures will again be rising quickly by about 2020, they say. Other climate scientists have welcomed the research, saying it may help societies plan better for the future.

How funny is this, what they really mean is due to the fact the climate is no longer warming, and people are going to notice when most of the Earth doesn't disappear under water, and in a desperate attempt to secure our research money for the next decade, allowing us to plan better for our financial future. We have pulled a piece of "research " out of our asses that just may help us to keep milking man made global warming for a few years to come. Well done all of you.

I have my own piece of research for you. I am worried about mans increasing use of the acorn, and resulting shortage of the squirrels natural food supply. I predict that whilst we may see no change in squirrels for the next decade or so, by 2025 a race of giant man eating squirrels will have evolved, leading to a planet of the squirrels by 2056.

Save the acorn. Save the world!

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